How to Get to Villa Becker in Zell am See
Villa Becker | Georg-Rendl-Strasse 18 | 5700 Zell am See | Österreich | Tel.: +49 172 3803839 | Email:
Your driving route to Villa Becker, Georg-Rendl-Strasse 18, 5700 Zell am See, Austria
- In Postplatz square drive west, in the direction of Bräuschmiedsteig street (100 yards / 90 m)
- Then drive along Schmittenstraße street (1 mile / 1.6 km)
- Drive in the rightmost lane, to enter Schmittenstraße street (85 yards / 77 m)
- Drive in the leftmost lane to remain in Schmittenstraße (220 yards / 0.2 km)
- On the crossroads with Georg-Rendl-Straße turn right (64 yards / 59 m)
- Drive in the rightmost lane to remain in Georg-Rendl-Straße (110 yards / 0.1 km)
In 1.3 miles/2.2 km, in about 4 minutes, you will reach your destination: Georg-Rendl-Straße 18.

Nearest airports: Salzburg Airport is 80 km away, and Munich Airport is 210 km

Nearest train station: in Zell am See town-centre, 2.6 km away from Villa Becker. You can reach the villa by bus or taxi.

Nearest highway: Munich-Salzburg

Nearest golf-club: Golfclub Zell am See-Kaprun-Saalbach-Hinterglemm — 6.8 km away from the villa.

Nearest supermarket: Billa chain store, 2.3 km away from the villa, in Zell am See town-centre.
We recommend our guests to visit us in their own or a rented car.